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IELTS Speaking Test in Australia (Part 2, Describe a time when you got lost)

The question below was shared by a student who took the IELTS test in Australia. Here is a model answer, to show you how you might respond to this question: Speaking Part 2 (Cue Card) Describe a time when you got lost. You should say – where and when it happened – how you got lost – how you felt about it and explain how you found your way. Answer Well, this happened a few years back, when I first arrived in Pakistan. My friend and I decided to explore the biggest bazaar in the city of Rawalpindi. The bazaar is a crazy mix of colours and the smell of spices and street food was everywhere. It’s a place where you can find literally anything at bargain prices, from replica designer clothes and shoes to exquisite hand-crafted furniture and décor… Read More »IELTS Speaking Test in Australia (Part 2, Describe a time when you got lost)

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IELTS Report, topic: Bar chart describing the proportion of renewable energy in 4 countries

This is a model answer for the Academic Writing Task 1 from the IELTS exam in Pakistan that was shared recently. This response is likely to get Band 8 or 8.5 in IELTS. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task The chart below shows the proportion of renewable energy in the total energy supply of 4 countries, from 1997 to 2010. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words * Note: this isn’t the actual chart given in the test, it was recreated for the purpose of demonstration. Band 8.5 Model Answer The bar chart shows the percentage of renewable energy used in four countries over three different years. Overall, Iceland and Türkiye used renewable energy sources in much higher percentages than Australia and Sweden in… Read More »IELTS Report, topic: Bar chart describing the proportion of renewable energy in 4 countries

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IELTS Speaking Test in Australia (Part 1, Neighbourhood and Tea/Coffee)

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The questions below were shared by a student who took the IELTS test in Australia. Here are some model answers, to show you how you might respond to those questions: Speaking Part 1 (Interview) 1. Where are you from? I was born and raised in ____________. It’s a beautiful city with a mix of urban life and natural beauty. 2. Do you like the area where you live? Well, right now I live in Islamabad, Pakistan, and I really enjoy living here, mainly because the people here are so friendly and welcoming. 3. Do you know some of your neighbours? Absolutely, I know all of them. Pakistan is the kind of country where your neighbour’s home is also your home. So, we always visit each other and send each other parcels of food whenever we prepare something delicious. There’s a… Read More »IELTS Speaking Test in Australia (Part 1, Neighbourhood and Tea/Coffee)

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IELTS essay, topic: In many countries obesity and unhealthy eating habits are increasing (reasons and solutions)

This essay topic was seen in a recent IELTS test in Iran. In many countries obesity and unhealthy eating habits are increasing. What are the reasons for this trend? What is the most effective way to prevent it? Sample Band 8 Essay There has been a concerning rise in obesity rates and unhealthy eating habits, and this can be attributed to several factors, including societal changes, dietary preferences, and sedentary lifestyles. It seems to me that the most effective way to combat this issue lies in implementing comprehensive preventive measures. One significant reason for the surge in obesity is that our modern lifestyles often prioritise convenience and efficiency, leading to increased consumption of processed foods and reliance on fast food chains. Additionally, the availability and affordability of unhealthy food choices play a crucial role. Junk food, high in fats, sugars,… Read More »IELTS essay, topic: In many countries obesity and unhealthy eating habits are increasing (reasons and solutions)

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IELTS Speaking Test in Sri Lanka (Part 3, Internet and Relationships)

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The questions below were shared by a student who took the IELTS test in Sri Lanka. Here are some model answers, to show you how you might respond to those questions: Speaking Part 3 (Discussion) 1. In your opinion, how has the internet changed the way we form and maintain friendships? Because of the internet we are now able to connect with people from all over the world instantly, something that would have been impossible a few decades ago. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have made it easier for us to stay connected with our friends and family, even if they live in different parts of the world. We can share photos, videos, stories and experiences with our loved ones almost instantly, and we can keep up to date with their lives through these platforms. 2.… Read More »IELTS Speaking Test in Sri Lanka (Part 3, Internet and Relationships)

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IELTS Report, topic: Multiple line graph describing percentage of good quality river water in UK

This is a model answer for the Academic Writing Task 1 from the IELTS exam in Kenya that was shared recently. This response is likely to get Band 8 or 8.5 in IELTS. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task The graph below shows the percentage of river water in the UK that is of good chemical quality, in the period between 1990 and 2002. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words * Note: this isn’t the actual graph given in the test, it was recreated for the purpose of demonstration. Band 8.5 Model Answer The line graph describes the percentage of clean river water that was available in different parts of the UK between 1990 and 2002. Overall, what can be clearly seen is… Read More »IELTS Report, topic: Multiple line graph describing percentage of good quality river water in UK

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IELTS Speaking Test in Sri Lanka (Part 2, Describe a friend that is important to you)

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The question below was shared by a student who took the IELTS test in Sri Lanka. Here is a model answer, to show you how you might respond to this question: Speaking Part 2 (Cue Card) Describe a friend that is important to you. You should say – who the friend is – where you met him/her – why you like him/her and explain why this friend is important to you. Answer One of my closest friends is named Sarah. We first met in our freshman year of college when we were assigned to be roommates. Despite being initially apprehensive about living with a stranger, I quickly realised that Sarah was one of the warmest, kindest and most genuine individuals I had ever encountered. Sarah is incredibly empathetic and always takes the time to listen to the concerns and problems… Read More »IELTS Speaking Test in Sri Lanka (Part 2, Describe a friend that is important to you)

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IELTS essay, topic: In order to create a happy society we should reduce the difference between the incomes of the richest and poorest (agree/disagree)

This essay topic was seen in a recent IELTS test in Georgia. Many people believe that in order to create a happy society we should ensure that there is only a small difference between the incomes of the richest and poorest people. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Sample Band 8 Essay The notion that a small income gap between the wealthiest and the poorest individuals is essential for creating a happy society is a topic of substantial debate. While some argue that reducing income inequality leads to a more contented society, I believe that income distribution is just one of the complex factors that affects happiness and societal well-being. Undoubtedly, income inequality can have detrimental effects on social cohesion and lead to feelings of injustice and discontentment. When the wealth gap is vast, it can result in… Read More »IELTS essay, topic: In order to create a happy society we should reduce the difference between the incomes of the richest and poorest (agree/disagree)

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IELTS Speaking Test in Sri Lanka (Part 1, Work and Public Transport)

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The questions below were shared by a student who took the IELTS test in Sri Lanka. Here are some model answers, to show you how you might respond to those questions: Speaking Part 1 (Interview) 1. Do you work or study? Currently, I work as a Marketing Manager at a leading multinational corporation and I have been in this role for over three years. 2. What does your work involve? As a Marketing Manager, my responsibilities revolve around creating and implementing marketing strategies. I am responsible for working closely with different teams to create campaigns that would resonate with our target audience. 3. Do you find yourself overloaded at times? I sometimes do. Although it’s not always possible to avoid situations where I feel overloaded, I have found that organising my day can help relieve some of the pressures. 4.… Read More »IELTS Speaking Test in Sri Lanka (Part 1, Work and Public Transport)

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IELTS Letter, topic: Writing to ask for a letter of reference

The topic of this letter appeared in a recent IELTS exam in Nigeria. Below is a sample response that is likely to score Band 8 or above in IELTS. You are applying for a job and you need a letter of reference from someone who can recommend you. You decided to ask a teacher who knows you well to write the reference. Write a letter to the teacher. In your letter, – Explain why you have chosen to ask him/her to write the reference – Describe the job you are applying for – Say why you think you would be suitable for the job. Begin your letter as follows: Dear ___________, Answer Dear Ms Brook, I hope you are doing well. I am reaching out to you to request a letter of reference for a job application. I have come… Read More »IELTS Letter, topic: Writing to ask for a letter of reference

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