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IELTS essay, topic: Fewer people are using traditional writing tools like pens, pencils, and brushes (reasons and effects)

This essay topic was seen in a recent IELTS test in Pakistan. Nowadays, fewer people are using traditional writing tools like pens, pencils, and brushes compared to the past. Why do you think this is happening? Does this trend have a positive or negative impact on society? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Sample Band 8 Essay In today’s digital age, the use of traditional writing tools such as pens, pencils, and brushes has significantly declined. This trend seems to be caused by several factors, which include technological advancement and our changing lifestyles. One key reason for this change is the convenience offered by digital tools, as typing on a keyboard is faster and often more legible than handwriting. Features like spell check, grammar correction, and cloud storage have also… Read More »IELTS essay, topic: Fewer people are using traditional writing tools like pens, pencils, and brushes (reasons and effects)

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