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General Writing Task 1

Model Answers for General Training IELTS Writing Task 1 (letter)

IELTS Letter, topic: giving feedback and suggestions to an event organiser

The topic of this letter appeared in a recent IELTS exam in Pakistan. Below is a sample response that is likely to score Band 8 or above in IELTS. You participated in a public event organized by a local park. Write a letter to the event organizer. In your letter, – Give them some feedback about the event – Explain what you particularly enjoyed – Make some suggestions for improvement Answer Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing with regard to the recent inaugural “Family Market Day” held at Seaview Park this past weekend. I would most of all like to express my gratitude and appreciation for all the effort put in by your team to host this amazing event. My family and I visited the stalls on Sunday and we were blown away by the security measures and the wide variety… Read More »IELTS Letter, topic: giving feedback and suggestions to an event organiser

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IELTS Letter, topic: writing to thank a bus company employee for helping you

The topic of this letter appeared in a recent IELTS exam in Kenya. Below is a sample response that is likely to score Band 8 or above in IELTS. You lost an item while travelling on a bus. An employee of the bus company assisted you in recovering your lost item. Write a letter to the company manager to thank the employee. In your letter, – Describe what you lost and how the employee helped you find it – Say how you felt after recovering it – Explain why it was important to you Answer Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to express my gratitude for the kind and prompt assistance shown to me by one of your employees at the Durban Bus Station regarding an issue that I faced after an intercity trip on one of your buses. About an… Read More »IELTS Letter, topic: writing to thank a bus company employee for helping you

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