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IELTS Speaking Test in India (Part 1, Job and Video Games)

The questions below were shared by a student who took the IELTS test in India. Here are some model answers, to show you how you might respond to those questions: Speaking Part 1 (Interview) 1. Do you work or study? I currently work. I finished my studies a few years ago, and since then entered the job market almost immediately. 2. What type of job do you have? I work as a digital content creator, and I help brands tell their stories and promote themselves online in a way that resonates with their audience and their vision. 3. Is it easy to find a job in your hometown? Well, I grew up in a small agricultural town, so the types of jobs that are available are quite limited. Most young people leave for the city to find better opportunities. 4.… Read More »IELTS Speaking Test in India (Part 1, Job and Video Games)

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