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IELTS Speaking Test in India (Part 2, Describe something you have bought recently and now cannot live without)

The question below was shared by a student who took the IELTS test in India. Here is a model answer, to show you how you might respond to this question: Speaking Part 2 (Cue Card) Describe something you have bought recently and now cannot live without. You should say – what it is – why you bought it – how often you use it and explain why you cannot live without it. Answer A few weeks ago, I bought a pair of noise-cancelling headphones. My main reason for buying them is that I work from home and often find it challenging to concentrate with the many everyday noises in my neighbourhood – things like traffic, construction, and even loud conversations held right outside my window on the sidewalk can be quite distracting. They were quite pricey, but I’m so glad… Read More »IELTS Speaking Test in India (Part 2, Describe something you have bought recently and now cannot live without)

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