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IELTS Speaking Test in Saudi Arabia (Part 1, Friends and Computers)

  • Speaking
The questions below were shared by a student who took the IELTS test in Saudi Arabia. Here are some model answers, to show you how you might respond to those questions: Speaking Part 1 (Interview) 1. Do you work or study? A bit of both actually. I currently work as a full-time content creator. However, I’m also taking night classes on weekends towards my Master’s degree in Business Administration. 2. How do you make your work easy? I think the key to make my job easier is to stay organised. I use various tools like Trello for task management and Google Calendar for scheduling my day. Besides this, I make sure to keep a clean and tidy workspace which helps me to focus better. 3. Do you have friends? Well, yes, I am not a very social person but I… Read More »IELTS Speaking Test in Saudi Arabia (Part 1, Friends and Computers)

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