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IELTS Speaking Test in Taiwan (Part 1, Morning Routine and Sharing)

The questions below were shared by a student who took the IELTS test in Taiwan. Here are some model answers, to show you how you might respond to those questions: Speaking Part 1 (Interview) 1. Do you like getting up early in the morning? No, I’m a night owl and usually sleep in. It’s just part of my routine to wake up later in the day. 2. Do you find it difficult to wake up early in the morning? Yes, it’s very challenging for me. I have to set multiple alarms and reminders. What’s worse is that I only need to wake up early for important meetings and appointments, but when I’m sleepy, none of that seems to matter as much as my precious sleep. 3. What is the first thing you do when you wake up? The first thing… Read More »IELTS Speaking Test in Taiwan (Part 1, Morning Routine and Sharing)

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