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IELTS Letter, topic: Writing to ask for financial assistance with a training course

The topic of this letter appeared in a recent IELTS exam in Uzbekistan. Below is a sample response that is likely to score Band 8 or above in IELTS. You are interested in attending a training course abroad but require financial support to do so. Write a letter to the education department requesting financial assistance. In your letter: – Introduce yourself – Describe the training course and how it would benefit your work – Explain why you need financial assistance. Answer Dear Sir/Madam, My name is Patrick O’Brien, and I am a Software Developer at TechInnovations. I am writing to request financial assistance for a training course abroad that is crucial for my professional development. I am keen to attend the Advanced Software Engineering Workshop in Berlin, focusing on AI and machine learning applications. This course is pivotal for enhancing… Read More »IELTS Letter, topic: Writing to ask for financial assistance with a training course

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