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IELTS essay, topic: More and more people are living in small houses with very little or no outdoor space (positive/negative)

This essay topic was seen in a recent IELTS test in Zimbabwe. Due to the increase in population in big cities more and more people are living in small houses with very little or no outdoor space. Is this a positive or negative development? Sample Band 8 Essay The phenomenon of increasing populations in metropolitan areas has led to more individuals residing in smaller living spaces, often with minimal or no access to outdoor areas. This trend, primarily driven by urban expansion, presents both challenges and opportunities in the quest for housing solutions. Personally, I worry about this development due to its effects on the physical and mental health of city dwellers. The primary reason why lack of green outdoor spaces is worrisome concerns its detrimental effects on physical health. The scarcity of parks and gardens restricts residents’ access to… Read More »IELTS essay, topic: More and more people are living in small houses with very little or no outdoor space (positive/negative)

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