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Model Answers for IELTS Speaking Test Questions

IELTS Speaking Test in India (Part 1, Weekday and Weekend Activities)

  • Speaking

The questions below were shared by a student who took the IELTS test in India. Here are some model answers, to show you how you might respond to those questions: Speaking Part 1 (Interview) 1. Do you work or are you a student? I currently work. I finished my studies a couple of years ago. 2. How many hours do you work in a week? I usually work around 40 hours a week, you know the typical 9-to-5, Monday to Friday routine. 3. What do you love about your work? I really appreciate the creativity that my job allows for. I work in digital marketing, so every day is about brainstorming new ideas, playing around with designs, and thinking of cool campaigns. 4. What kind of things do you need to help you work efficiently? Well, I need a few… Read More »IELTS Speaking Test in India (Part 1, Weekday and Weekend Activities)

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IELTS Speaking Test in Bangladesh (Part 3, Traditional Festivals and Celebrations)

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The questions below were shared by a student who took the IELTS test in Bangladesh. Here are some model answers, to show you how you might respond to those questions: Speaking Part 3 (Discussion) 1. How much do you enjoy festivals or traditional celebrations? Oh, I absolutely adore them, the colours, the music, the food, and the rituals. They have this unique charm that brings people together. That being said, they are also a lot of work. There are usually many dishes that need to be prepared and there’s cleaning up as well. 2. How many traditional celebrations are there in your home country? There are quite a few. The major ones include Eid, and national holidays like our Independence Day. I’d say there are at least a dozen significant celebrations spread throughout the year. 3. How are these festivals… Read More »IELTS Speaking Test in Bangladesh (Part 3, Traditional Festivals and Celebrations)

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IELTS Speaking Test in Bangladesh (Part 2, Describe a traditional celebration in your country that you enjoy.)

  • Speaking

The question below was shared by a student who took the IELTS test in Bangladesh. Here is a model answer, to show you how you might respond to this question: Speaking Part 2 (Cue Card) Describe a traditional celebration (festival or ceremony) in your country that you enjoy. You should say – what it is – what you do to celebrate it – who you celebrate it with and explain why you enjoy it. Answer Well, the most prominent celebration has to be Eid. Eid is such a joyful time. It comes after a month of fasting, Ramadan, and it’s like this big sigh of relief and celebration rolled into one. The day begins with a special prayer at the mosque. It’s kind of a family tradition to wear new clothes on Eid; it’s like stepping into the day with… Read More »IELTS Speaking Test in Bangladesh (Part 2, Describe a traditional celebration in your country that you enjoy.)

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IELTS Speaking Test in Bangladesh (Part 1, Changes in your area and Health)

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The questions below were shared by a student who took the IELTS test in Bangladesh. Here are some model answers, to show you how you might respond to those questions: Speaking Part 1 (Interview) 1. Where are you from? I hail from a small, serene town called Mardan. It’s known for its natural spring water and its stunning national park. 2. Where do you live now? Currently, I reside in Manchester. I moved here a few years ago for work. 3. How do you feel about the area where you live? I have a soft spot for my neighbourhood. It’s got such a lovely mix of cultures and a friendly community. 4. Have there been any recent changes to your area? What are they? Yes, there have been a few changes. A new community centre opened up, and a couple… Read More »IELTS Speaking Test in Bangladesh (Part 1, Changes in your area and Health)

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IELTS Speaking Test in Japan (Part 3, People with Interesting Ideas)

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The questions below were shared by a student who took the IELTS test in Japan. Here are some model answers, to show you how you might respond to those questions: Speaking Part 3 (Discussion) 1. In your opinion, are people who have interesting ideas respected in your country? Why or why not? These kinds of people are generally held in high regard in my country. We have a rich history of inventors, writers, and thinkers who have significantly contributed to various fields. However, the level of respect can vary depending on the field and how far these new ideas challenge conventional norms. 2. Are people generally open to accepting new and interesting ideas in your culture? To be honest, ground-breaking ideas might face resistance in my country initially, but with time they usually gain respect and recognition. Basically, the acceptance… Read More »IELTS Speaking Test in Japan (Part 3, People with Interesting Ideas)

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IELTS Speaking Test in Japan (Part 2, Describe a person who has interesting ideas)

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The question below was shared by a student who took the IELTS test in Japan. Here is a model answer, to show you how you might respond to this question: Speaking Part 2 (Cue Card) Describe a person who has interesting ideas. You should say – who this person is – how you know this person – what interesting ideas this person has and explain how their ideas influenced others. Answer Oh, there’s this interesting person I know, his name is Tim. He is a community organiser and a local politician in our area. He’s the kind of person whose mind never seems to rest, and he is always buzzing with innovative ideas on how to make our neighbourhood greener and more sustainable. I met him during a community clean-up event that he organised last year. His passion for conservation… Read More »IELTS Speaking Test in Japan (Part 2, Describe a person who has interesting ideas)

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IELTS Speaking Test in Japan (Part 1, Neighbourhood and Work)

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The questions below were shared by a student who took the IELTS test in Japan. Here are some model answers, to show you how you might respond to those questions: Speaking Part 1 (Interview) 1. Where are you from? I’m originally from a small, picturesque town in the Lake District, UK. 2. Can you describe your neighbourhood? It’s a peaceful place surrounded by nature, rolling hills, tranquil lakes, and quaint little cottages. Growing up there was like living in a postcard. On one side, you have these charming Victorian homes with ivy-clad facades, and on the other, there are modern apartments housing young professionals and families alike. The streets are lined with trees and there’s a lovely park where people often gather for picnics or a friendly game of football. 3. What do you think is special about your neighbourhood?… Read More »IELTS Speaking Test in Japan (Part 1, Neighbourhood and Work)

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IELTS Speaking Test in Pakistan (Part 3, Learning a language)

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The questions below were shared by a student who took the IELTS test in Pakistan. Here are some model answers, to show you how you might respond to those questions: Speaking Part 3 (Discussion) How is language learning now different from the past? Well, in the past most people had to learn a language using books or in a traditional classroom setting. These days we have many different types of digital resources at our fingertips, such as language learning apps, online courses, and forums where one can interact with native speakers. Additionally, the internet provides access to a vast amount of reading and listening materials in any given language, which was not as easily accessible in the past. Do you think that language learning apps and online resources have made it easier for people to learn languages nowadays? The definitely… Read More »IELTS Speaking Test in Pakistan (Part 3, Learning a language)

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IELTS Speaking Test in Pakistan (Part 2, Describe a person who has learnt your language)

  • Speaking

The question below was shared by a student who took the IELTS test in Pakistan. Here is a model answer, to show you how you might respond to this question: Speaking Part 2 (Cue Card) Describe a person who has learnt your language. You should say – who the person is – when he/she learnt your language – where he/she learnt your language and explain how you feel about what this person has done. Answer The person I’m talking about is my friend Sofia. She’s originally from Italy but has a deep love for languages and cultures. She is a very disciplined person, and once she set her mind to learning English nothing could stand in the way of her goal. Sofia started learning English when she planned to spend a semester abroad here. She wanted to fully immerse herself… Read More »IELTS Speaking Test in Pakistan (Part 2, Describe a person who has learnt your language)

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IELTS Speaking Test in Pakistan (Part 1, Movies and Clothes)

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The questions below were shared by a student who took the IELTS test in Pakistan. Here are some model answers, to show you how you might respond to those questions: Speaking Part 1 (Interview) What do you like about your hometown? Well, to start of it’s a beautiful place with a mix of cultures, and cuisines. It’s a city in which you can meet people from all walks of life. And the best part is that the food scene is incredible, thanks to this cultural diversity. Let’s talk about movies. What kind of movies do you like? I have a soft spot for romantic comedies. It’s nice to watch when you just want to relax and unwind, and you don’t want to burden your mind with something too complex. It’s just nice dependable fun. Did you go to the cinema… Read More »IELTS Speaking Test in Pakistan (Part 1, Movies and Clothes)

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